Monday, January 26, 2009

Brothel in India

Seriously what can I say? :(
These truly sad photos show how much our world is black & dirty!
I, sometimes think that what is wrong with us -men- and ... obviously there is no answer!
I'm really sad!
The last photo features an Indian girl and her eyes and loneliness tell the whole story, I suppose!
God bless you all!

P.S: Thanks to Mary Ellen Mark and her amazing photos

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fireman saves suicidal woman in Selangor, Malaysia

A Fireman became a hero after he caught a woman, threatening to commit suicide earlier, who slipped from the top floor of a three-storey shop house.
The 25-year-old woman had threatened to take her own life by jumping off the building in Taman Pelangi, Selangor, Malaysia at about 8.25am Thursday.
Here are more pictures from the sad incident: